GamCrowd launches gambling specific incubator service

(Source: SBC News)  … other forms of pre-crowdfunding capital as well as recommend partners and/or potential suppliers who may also provide services, such as web development, …

GA Communication Group Announce New Talent Auditions in second half 2014

(Source: Virtual-Strategy Magazine) Joey has 10 years of experience in project management and marketing and has direct involvement with web development and digital marketing. He attended …

QSS Technosoft: Quality Is All That Matters

(Source: Silicon India) The organization’s core competencies lie in Web Development, Mobile Apps Development, HTML5 Application Development, Enterprise Application …

LG Launches a Smartwatch That Can Control Audi Car

(Source: Voice Chronicle) At the CES display, Audi’s head of Research and Development, Dr. Ulrich … The watch comes with a new UI as well as new hardware on the outside and the …

Microsoft Spartan browser for Windows 10 leaked in new screenshot

(Source: Pulse) … straightforward and clutter-free UI elements.” Sources claim that Microsoft assigned a special team in September for development of Spartan browser and the …