Arthur Goldstuck: YouTube is the Second Biggest Social Media Platform in South Africa, and Growing

(Source: Bookslive) Arthur Goldstuck: YouTube is the Second Biggest Social Media Platform in South Africa, and Growing. by Nicola on Oct 10th, 2014 Tweet …

RapidMiner Moves Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning into the Cloud

(Source: InsideBigData) predictive analytics leader RapidMiner has announced the general availability of RapidMiner Cloud. RapidMiner Cloud provides an …

Gartner: Smart Machines To Be Most Disruptive Trend

(Source: CIOToday) “Every app now needs to be an analytic app,” Cearley said. … need to manage how best to filter the huge amounts of data coming from the IoT, social media and …

Adobe Announces New Mobile App Analytics Offering

(Sorce: WebProNews) Adobe announced a new mobile app analytics offering called Adobe Analytics –Mobile Apps, which is obviously aimed at helping marketers and developers …

The ROI of Live Event Marketing

(Source: Chief Marketer) Brands are investing in live event marketing, with 75 percent of companies with event budgets between $50 and $100 million saying they expect an ROI of more ..