An ever-changing world requires an agile marketing strategy-one that continues to prove successful, pandemic or not. Here’s why account-based marketing reigns supreme now and well into the future.

In 2019, George Debb, managing partner at Red Rocket Venture,s extolled the virtues of account-based marketing, writing, “If you are not using ABM marketing techniques today, you probably should reassess your entire B2B sales and marketing strategy and execution efforts.”
Twelve months and one global health crisis later, the statement continues to ring true — and with even more intensity. When Debb wrote the article, “The Rise of Account-Based Marketing,” he couldn’t foresee a future in which in-person meetings, quick conversations over coffee, and industry tradeshows were nonexistent. This future didn’t rely on Zoom calls to communicate services and discuss the reasons a certain product outperforms another. Yet here we are. Adaptation is a must for survival, and account-based marketing is the path B2B companies must take if they want to find success in a virtual world.