Uniquecorn Strategies appoints Irene Manansala as associate director of new Web3 marketing arm Blockceler8

(Source: Marketing Interactive) … around educating the audience, including full-stack public relations services, thought-leader marketing, commentary, content marketing, and branding.

Scalenut Powers Organic Content For Businesses Via AI Platform As It Raises $3.1M Funding Round

(Source: menafn) AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform Scalenut is prevailing through its AI-generated organic content for SMBs and mid-market businesses with…

Indian WordPress rival Scalenut secures $3.1M to help SMBs scale content through AI

(Source: Tech Funding News) Scalenut, a New Delhi-based AI-powered SEO & content marketing platform, announced today that it has secured a $3.1M seed plus funding round led by Saama…

Booted from Facebook and Instagram, Andrew Tate is now being scrubbed from TikTok. Is this the end for his misogyny?

(Source: ABC) At its heart is a campaign of affiliate marketing targeting young men. … Tate simply provided the content for others to push.

Google is Attempting to Combat Clickbait in Searches with an Update to its Ranking Algorithm

(Source: Tech Times) But, the Content Marketing Institute explains it as “tricking people into consuming your content by making them believe it will be better than what it…