The definitive guide to marketing automation

How can marketing automation benefit you? Marketing automation allows businesses to save time and money, measure and optimize marketing investments, and grow revenue faster. According to our benchmark analysis, businesses that use marketing automation can grow their pipeline by 45%, enjoy 25% higher revenue, and allow sales reps to spend 22% more time selling. Marketing […]

How to Succeed with Marketing Automation

Implementing a marketing automation solution is just the beginning to achieving marketing greatness. You need to be proactive and implement the right processes in order to maximize the full potential of your technology solution. Fortunately, there are many ways you can enable your teams and identify the skills needed to see significant success. This eBook […]

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation comes up everywhere these days – but it’s more than just the latest buzzword. It’s a critical technology that’s necessary to ensure your marketing has the level of relevance, targeting, and sophistication that is necessary to grab the attention of today’s buyers. But, there are many misconceptions about what marketing automation is and […]

Modern Marketing Report

Just how “modern” is your marketing? A recent survey of your 500 of your marketing peers revealed something startling: less than 1 in 6 felt they were fully-integrating Modern Marketing concepts. How do you compare? (If outbound campaigns are the first things on your tool list, you may end up last in the competitive race.) […]

Grande Guide to Lead Scoring

Lead scoring. It’s not voodoo marketing anymore. Did you know that accurate lead scoring can result in a 192% higher average lead qualification rate? Unfortunately, the task of effectively assigning weights to each inquiry can seem daunting. Use this guide to learn the basics of lead scoring so you can enable your marketing and sales […]